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Maximize Your Chance of Getting THAT Interview

Having a top-notch resume is not the only ingredient you'll need to open doors to THAT interview you’re dying to get. Understanding how to advance your candidacy is key to winning that great next job. In this presentation our guest speaker Maya Ollson will share: - How to...

Housing Workgroup

Topic: Soft services that keep people housed (e.g. rental assistance, home modification and repair, etc.) We look forward to seeing you on Zoom on September 19th at noon for a discussion and learning about services that keep people housed, including rental assistance, home modification and repair services, housing...

MS Excel basic

MS Excel Basic is a 5-day long class designed for beginners as well as those experienced users who are looking for a refresh of basic skills and concepts. Introduces program terminology, autofill/flashfill, conditional formatting, ranges/tables, introductory formulas, filtering and data validation, among other topics.

Leverage ChatGPT to Enhance Your Job Opportunities

Enhance your job-search skills and boost your professional success through the power of ChatGPT. Discover how this AI tool can assist you in several aspects of your job-search journey, from résumé building to interview preparation to discovering how to change careers.