Statement on DACA

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September 5, 2017

With our commitment to refugee services firmly rooted in the fabric of our member agencies, the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies strongly opposes the administration’s decision to set an end date to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). NJHSA member agencies provide essential services for refugees and their families each day, including resettlement, education, career and mental health services. We do so, not only as a network of human service providers, but with a deep respect for Jewish tradition which includes the value of embracing the stranger and with the knowledge that these services are also core to the fundamental values of our country, the pursuit of liberty, freedom and justice for all. We encourage you to join us in contacting your members of Congress to strengthen our collective voice. With this statement, we are not only voicing our opposition to this action but are reaffirming our commitment to maintain and grow the full range of human services so they will always be fully accessible to the Dreamers of our country.

With much appreciation for your participation in our efforts,
June Gutterman and Jim Kahn, Co-Chairs, NJHSA Board of Directors
Leah Rosenbaum, Chair, NJHSA Advocacy Committee
Reuben D. Rotman, President & CEO, NJHSA