Archive for Holocaust Survivor Services Professionals

Caring for Holocaust Survivors at the End of Their Lives Released-06.25.2024.pdf

Loss Ritual Ideas.Released-06.25.2024.pdf

Holocaust Survivor Services – Supervisors/Directors NETGroup- RecordingReleased-06.20.2024

The Claims Conference Global Demographic Report on Jewish Holocaust Survivors.ReleasedJanuary2024.01.17.pdf

Promoting Well-Being and Resilience Among Family Caregivers-PowerNET 2024

Amplifying the Impact of Holocaust Survivor Services-PowerNET 2024

Person-Centered Trauma-Informed Strategies to Support the Direct Care Staff-PowerNET 2024

Community Responses in Addressing Social Isolation-PowerNET 2024

Holocaust Survivor Services Professionals NETGroup- Claims Conference Report- 2024-04-16 Recording

Dementia and Trauma Presentation- CJE SeniorLife