Archive for Fundraising & Development

When A Donor Becomes Tainted. Development Article Released TitleReleased20240703.pdf

Development/Fundraising & Grant Writing- NETGroupPresentation2-Released20240625.pdf

Development/Fundraising & Grant Writing- NETGroupPresentationReleased-06.25.2024-pdf

From Prospect Identification to Donor Stewardship: Prioritizing Relationship-Based Fundraising-Materials-Development Deep Dive-PowerNET 2024

Development/Fundraising & Grant Writing NETGroup- Stewarding Gifts from the 65+ Demographic- 2024-03-12 Presentation

Chief Financial Officers NETGroup – Capital Campaigns and Financial Audits- 2024-03-20 Recording

Development/Fundraising & Grant Writing NETGroup- Stewarding Gifts from the 65+ Demographic- 2024-03-12 Recording

Cultivating Volunteers as Donors and Agency Stewards-PowerNET 2024

Harnessing Technology and AI for Innovative Fundraising Strategies-PowerNET 2024

Being Brave Making the Big Changes Your Program Needs-PowerNET 2024